Sunday, August 24, 2008

Olympic Closing Ceremony

Tonite is Olympic closing day after 2 weeks of ‘competition’ amongst different countries and China get 51 gold medals….Congratulations! China unveiled an extravagant farewell to the Olympics with presented a ring of fireworks exploded round the rim of the bird’s nest stadium. Two giant drums were hoisted into the sky with two pairs of suspended drummers thumping out a hypnotic beat. The stadium was turned into a kaleidoscope of glittering colours with 200 acrobats taking giant leaps and somersaulting across a stage on spring-heeled stilts and lastly Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Chow Wah Jian, Karen Mok, Joey sang a song ‘难说再见' to everyone in the stadium and audience around the world. It really beautiful and amazing, they put a lot of efforts and time on tis olympic opening and closing ceremony. Nice! Worth to watch it……

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